Dear Friends, Members & Generous Supporters
The Wayne County Historical Society (WCHS) has a fantastic roster of events and activities this year. We’re calling on you as a business owner and/or individual to be a 2024 Sponsor! Your generous donation also helps to fund the general operating expenses of the WCHS Main Museum (810 Main Street, Honesdale), the D&H Canal Park at Lock 31, The Farm Museums at the Wayne County Fairgrounds and programs at Bethel School and the Old Stone Jail.
Sponsorship Levels:
Philip Hone (Gold): $2,000
Irad Hawley (Silver): $1,000
Jennie Brownscombe (Bronze): $500
Washington Irving Circle (Amethyst): $250-$499
Delaware & Hudson Canal Boat (Black Diamond): $100-$249
Winter Wonderland Society (Friends): $25 to $99
The WCHS is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your donations to the Society qualify as tax-deductible
charitable contributions. For FAQs and to donate online, please visit us at
Sponsorship levels are detailed on the back. The aim of bundling the sponsorship opportunities together is
to annualize requests for donations and also provide flexibility for your interests and budget.
Thank you, again, for your consideration of a donation. For additional information on programs, events,
or open houses, please visit our Main Museum Building, our website, or find us on social media.
Britta Bakos and Jason Smith
WCHS Trustees & Fundraising Co-Chairs
For more information, please download our sponsorship form.